The Sin Bin or Lucy’s Heart is a short story about a young girl, Lucy, who used to be a grade A student, but after she have started hanging out with Bethan her life has changed. Lucy’s beats up one of her best friends to prove that she is a worthy friend to Bethan. Lucy’s is looking forward to the future, when life hopefully is a little less complicated. The short story is about peer pressure, bulling and a young girl who is trying to grow up and to find her identity.
Lucy is a young girl, who used to be a grade A student and win prizes at the prize day at school. She has become friends with the tough girl Bethan. Because of the friendship with Bethan she is in detention for the very first time of her life. She is in detention because she has beaten up the girl who used to be her best friend, just because Bethan told her to. Lucy is very dependent and she is trying very hard to detach and she searches the protection she can get by being friends with Bethan. Lucy does not trust herself and her own opinion, she keeps saying Bethan says, mom says – which I take as a sign of her not believing in herself enough to rely on herself. I think Lucy used to have a good relationship with her mother but after, she has started hanging out with Bethan their relationship is damaged. Lucy’s relationship with Bethan is not equal, Lucy feels save around Bethan because no one dares to touch her, but at the same time she does not really mind when her mother tells her that she can’t be hanging out with Bethan all the time. Bethan has a kind of power or controls to make Lucy do stuff that she would never have done on her own, for example like beaten up Penny. Penny and Lucy used to be really close, and Penny have told Lucy some deep secrets, and I think Lucy feels very bad about beating Penny up, but she wants this new image so bad that she is not true to herself and therefore do not have the courage or the will to tell Penny she