Phenomenon: Caroline become a hospice worker who cares for the ailing and the elderly.
Causes: She is despondent about the death of her own father, who died alone because she was unaware of his situation and was living life on the road with a traveling rock band
Effect: Caroline become a hospice career and takes a job in Louisiana, caring for Ben, a stroke-victim who is bed-ridden and cannot speak.
Solution/Step: Find a job as a hospice worker designed to atone for her own mistake for ignoring her dying father in the past
Topic: Hoodoo (black magic)
Phenomenon: The two black slaves Papa justify and Mama Cecile at the beginning, and their spirits went into the other person body, the lawyer Luke was the male black slave and the old lady Violet was the female black slave.
Causes: Violet and Ben have getting old and the life of their bodies had been almost consumed over
Effect: Violet and Ben souls can lodging at new body and keep on living.
Solution/Step: The family lawyer hires Caroline to take care of Ben and make a trap let Caroline believe that Hoodoo is exist. If Caroline ended up believing it was all real, so the female black slave came out of the old lady and into the her body and Caroline will ending up as the old lady and that’s how she ended up having a stroke, same with Ben and Luke
Topic: Intelligence of Papa Justify and Mama Cecile
Phenomenon: Luke (Papa’s soul) the young lawyer wan the old lady Violet (Mama’s soul) to get a younger body, so they spending high salaries to hires Caroline as a hospice worker. Apparently, they hired Caroline to take care on Ben but in fact they wanted Caroline to believe Hoodoo so they can switch the soul of Violet (Mama) to Caroline soul
Causes: Violet specially give the skeleton key to Caroline and let her be able to unlock the attic room and finds a large collection of bizarre items that are obviously intended to be used for some kind of magic