The Slave Across the Street, written by Theresa Flores and published by Ampelon Publishing in 2010, tells the story of the authors struggles as young trafficking victim in her suburban town. The title of the book connotes a close proximity between a possible slave and the reader; and in fact the story demonstrates how close anyone can be to a victim of trafficking—even in place everyone would consider safe. The table of connects effectively breaks down the book into sections easy for the readers to follow, with titles that are descriptive as to each chapters content. The preface of the book explain not only the authors intentions, but also the efforts made since penning the book to further educate others on trafficking.
Flores aims to impart on the reader how simply and easily trafficking occurs, not only abroad, but in the United States—and even in our own backyards. She also hopes that this book reaches other victims and inspires them to seek help and believe in a future beyond slavery. The author does a fine job of setting the backdrop for the reader and depicting her former home in a relatable manner. This is important for the purposed of the book in order to show this could happen anywhere.
The story is set in an affluent neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, during the 1980’s. Theresa comes from a well off family that is forced to move often because of her father’s job. She is the oldest of four, with three younger brothers, and as the only daughter has a lot of responsibility within the home. Her relationship with her family is described as strained, but loving. She is raised under strict Catholic values. Her neighborhood had a diverse culture, but had a powerful Catholic Arab population, known as Chaldeans. Once settled in Detroit, she begins a flirtatious relationship with Daniel, a Chaldea. Despite being warned of the dangers of associating with the Chaldeans, she allows him to
Bibliography: * Flores, T. (2010). The slave across the street. Boise, ID: Ampelon Publishing. * Kristof, N. D., & WuDunn, S. (2010). Half the sky, turning oppression into opportunity for women worldwide. (1st ed.). New York: Vintage. * Lee, M. (2011). Trafficking and global crime control. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. * US Department of State (2008) Trafficking in persons report 2008. Washington, DC: US Department of State.