
The Social Contract: John Locke And Jean Jacgues Rousseau

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The Social Contract: John Locke And Jean Jacgues Rousseau
The Social Contract “Man is born free, but he is everywhere in chains.”
The social contract was originated as a foundation for the citizens, the state would only be a source of political power with the option to give or withhold their power.
There are several theories of the origin of “The Social Contract”, with the earliest being the writings of Plato that were found. Thomas Hobbs also wrote a book with his beliefs about the freedom of people. Hobbs believed that all man lived in the “State of Nature”, which was of fear and selfishness. He claimed that is the earlier days that there was no government and that who was the strongest could claim the power of others, and that people agreed to create a state and only giving them enough power to protect the rights of their wellbeing. Hobbs states that once the people had given the power to the state that they had given up all their rights, which was the price that they would have to pay to be safe.
Locke also believed that man lived in the “State of Nature” but it was different then Hobbs. Locke’s believed that it was peaceful, and that men did have rights. There was not an appointed
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Rousseau believed that “The Social Contract” was built more on hypothetical reasons. Rousseau believed that every man had gained the birthright to be physically free and the right to do so should come from a social contract that is agreed upon by all the people to maintain their right to be free. He thought that the life of the people was a good life and that all men were created equal, but with the growing population and civilization the social contract was lost. With the new form of the social organization this is when the state was formed to guarantee the rights of the people and to protect them. If the state and laws that were formed did not look out for the best interest of the people then they would be

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