"People suddenly disappeared, always at night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record of everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: VAPORIZED was the usual word." (Orwell 15). In the world of 1984 anyone who commits a “thought crime,” or thinks about defying the government, is wiped out during the night, and any proof of their previous existence is denied, until everyone is convinced that the person never existed to begin with. "By controlling all information Big Brother controls responses of citizens, primarily through the giant two-way TV screens in every living space. These permit thought police to observe all citizens to see that they are responding in a desirable manner—hating enemies and loving Big Brother. Reality control, doublethink in newspeak, means an unending series of victories over their memory." (Stanley). Newspeak and Doublethink are two ways that the government prevents people from revolting against them; however, they are not always effective and this is when the thought police get involved and wipe you from existence. Obviously something like the thought police, or inventing a new language and forcing it on people is not going to go over well, which is why these aspects of the story are unrealistic
"People suddenly disappeared, always at night. Your name was removed from the registers, every record of everything you had ever done was wiped out, your one-time existence was denied and then forgotten. You were abolished, annihilated: VAPORIZED was the usual word." (Orwell 15). In the world of 1984 anyone who commits a “thought crime,” or thinks about defying the government, is wiped out during the night, and any proof of their previous existence is denied, until everyone is convinced that the person never existed to begin with. "By controlling all information Big Brother controls responses of citizens, primarily through the giant two-way TV screens in every living space. These permit thought police to observe all citizens to see that they are responding in a desirable manner—hating enemies and loving Big Brother. Reality control, doublethink in newspeak, means an unending series of victories over their memory." (Stanley). Newspeak and Doublethink are two ways that the government prevents people from revolting against them; however, they are not always effective and this is when the thought police get involved and wipe you from existence. Obviously something like the thought police, or inventing a new language and forcing it on people is not going to go over well, which is why these aspects of the story are unrealistic