A Research Paper Submitted by:
Anna ViktoriaBanay
Camille May Savillo
Submitted to:
Prof. Karen Varona
October 4, 2012
One reason for the increasing number of overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) is the search for better job opportunities abroad. However, this is not the only cause for the increase in the flow of human labor outside the country. Sociological factors also play a part in influencing the decision to migrate abroad, as seen in previous studies. This research aims to find out whether the socio-economic factors of age, sex, educational attainment, income and family size affect the decision of OFW family members of UPV-CAS students to work abroad. A survey was conducted among UPV-CAS students with parents working abroad. This was done through the use of questionnaires which included questions regarding the age, sex, educational attainment of the parents, as well as family income and family size. The results showed that among the five socio-economic factors, income ranks as the highest when it comes to influencing the parents of UPV-CAS students to work abroad. The second most influential factor is educational attainment, since many of the respondents’ parents had a college degree. The third is family size because some of the respondents come from a large family, with three as the highest number of dependents. Results also indicate that age and sex have a negligible influence to the decision of family members of UPV-CAS students to work abroad.
Chapter I
Brief Background
With the rise of globalization, migration of resources from one country to another has become easier. Among these resources is human labor, and in search for better job opportunities, the trend for labor migration continues to increase.
In the Philippines, the flow of labor from within the country has contributed to the nation’s growth and development.
Bibliography: De Haas, H. (2007). Migration and development a theoretical perspective.Retrieved on July 29, 2012 from http://www.imi.ox.ac.uk/pdfs/imi-working- papers/WP9%20Migration%20and%20development%20theory%20HdH.pdf Ericta, C National Statistics Coordination Board.(2010). Official Poverty Statistics.Retrievedon August 3, 2012 from http://www.nscb.gov.ph/pressreleases/2011/PR-22011-SS2- 01_pov2009.asp Opiniano, J Orbeta, A. &Abrigo, M. (2009). Philippine international labour migration in the past 30 years: Trends and prospects. Retrieved on July 29, 2012from http://www3.pids.gov.ph/ris/dps/pidsdps0933.pdf Philippine National Statistics Office Philippine Overseas Employment Administration.(2010). Overseas employment statistics. Retrieved on July 30, 2012 from http://www.poea.gov.ph/stats/2010_Stats.pdf Reyes, M UP STFAP Online Application.(2009). STFAP Bulletin for the Alphabetic Bracketing Scheme. Retrieved on August 1, 2012 from http://stfap.up.edu.ph/bulletin.html Appendix