Faculty of Contemporary Studies (FCS),
National Defense University (NDU)
Presented to:
Sir Bakare Najimudeen
Submitted by:
Jawad Falak M.Sc. IR-E (1st Semester)
Statement of Problem: The group of countries historically designated as the West has carried their dominance of nearly two centuries into the 21st century now under the banner of their champion the United States of America. But at the start of the new millennium, several events have raised claims that the long foreseen decline of the West has finally arrived. While it is evident that in the fields of economy the West is on the wane with the rise of the BRICs, MINTs and the Far East. Yet there are many who claim that the decline of the West has not yet arrived as the decline of civilizations encompass all spheres. They cite the socioeconomic fields as such as an example of this. The rich earning pastures of the West are cited as an example which attracts immigrants from around the globe. The healthcare system of the West is not only serving the local populace but also foreigners including head of states. The education system especially of the UK and USA still boast students from around the globe. Critics say this is simply the rise of new powers and not the wane of the old. It is a global rebalancing Yet the economic deterioration of the West will have had a negative impact on the socioeconomic status of western societies as both these factors are related to each other. The West will also be on the decline due in the socioeconomic outlook. Can it be possible for the standards of living of the westerner to remain unaffected by the economic downturn that the west is now facing? The term 'Social economics ' may refer broadly to the "use of economics in the study of society." 1. Another description is the studies of the
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