C. Wright Mills begins by expressing
how these days people sense their living in an endless series of traps, unable to defeat their daily struggles (Mills). Which, as a matter of fact is precisely what is going on do to boundaries, cause by one’s location, history, and which social level they were born into. The boundaries that comes with social level or class, limits the amount of power they have in bigger matter such things like voting, if someone cannot drive to the voting location they cannot voice their power. This is also true about finding a job, they are trapped in an area where they have the power to pick a job but the jobs offered may not be one they can support their families on; giving the feeling of a never-ending struggle. A wonderful example of this would be a college student picking their classes, they do not have much power in the first place do to the major they pick. Then they have to make sure they are not over lapping their classes, and many students will take class they do not care just to only go to school two day.
Many people do not think of their person problem of feeling trapped as a social problem that are subject of historical change and institutional contradiction (Mills). Often time when people think they are trapped they do not see the connection among their own life and the development of world history. Humans often do not understand the underlining concept of individuals and society, they tend to look at the solutions to problems that are considered personal such as dying of cancer, doctors and scientist look at it as something that depends on the person. If the Chemotherapy works or not. When in the big picture the chemotherapy is the big killer in this picture; and we should not be basing treatment off a game of chance.
To be able to understand the larger historical scene in the concept of inner life one must first understand the sociological imagination. With understanding this concept understand the lessons of social science that embodies an individual’s ideas that is fate express in their own period. This also goes along with explicit troubles in one’s life such as having a job in a early child care center and do to low enrollment they cannot give everyone their normal hours, cause many to be unable to pay their bills. It’s not the employees fault that they are not getting hours, but they are taking it on as a personal trouble and try to make ends meet by find work to cover the income they are losing. After, three to four weeks of the employer not being able to provide hours to their employees, it starts to become a public issue with in the social structure of the center because teacher are working second jobs that can provide them with more hours in which the center becomes short staff and cannot afford to hire more employees.