In 1924, the Soviet Union faced a power struggle when it’s leader and creator Vladimir Lenin died. His successor however, came into power and immediately began to make changes. This man knew exactly what he wanted to keep and more importantly what he wanted to change. His birth name was Iosif Vissarionovich Dzhugashvili, but who could possibly rule and leave a legacy with that name? He then adopted the name Joseph Stalin, (which means man of steel.) and began to rule the Soviet Union. At this time, the Soviet Union was well behind all the other countries; Stalin made many changes to the soviet society, employing many methods to achieve his aims.…
To what extent did the Tsarist and Soviet regimes rely on terror and repression to maintain order and control between1855-1964?…
Document 1: What are Soviet citizens complaining about? The Soviets are complaining about conditions of the Soviet Union, such as the lack of food and goods, increased inflation, and working conditions.…
John Lewis Gaddis is a history professor at Yale University, lecturing an undergraduate class every Monday and Wednesday on the Cold War. He wrote The Cold War: A New History based on questions some of his prior students had on the Cold War, as well as making a shorter, more understanding book for students to read. Gaddis provides a fantastic overview of the Cold War but could have organized the information a lot better. For instance, if he put it in chronological order rather than jumping back and forth between decades, it would have made it a lot easier to understand what caused certain events. Gaddis was born April 2, 1941 in Cotulla, Texas.…
The Cold War was a period of hostility and rising tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union beginning soon after the end of World War II, lasting from 1945 until 1989. The Cold War originated from conflict over the type of government in Eastern Europe after the war. The United States pushed for freely elected governments while the Soviet Union denied it. At the Potsdam Conference in July 1945, shortly after the death of Franklin Roosevelt, the new president, Harry Truman ordered instant free elections throughout Eastern Europe. Stalin denied and in reply said, " A freely elected government in any of these East European countries would be anti-Soviet and that we can not allow." President Truman cut off all aid to Russia stating…
University policies are subject to change. Be sure to read the policies at the beginning of each class. Policies may be slightly different depending on the modality in which you attend class. If you have recently changed modalities, read the policies governing your current class modality.…
The break up and dissolution of the Soviet Union on the 25th December 1991 heralded the end of the Cold War. It ushered in what had been termed 'the new world order ', furthermore, it was suggested by Francis Fukuyama to have signalled the end of history and the battle of ideas which had dominated much of the twentieth century (Huntington, 1996; 31). The 'clash of civilizations ' had already seen the demise of fascism as a credible force in 1945, the close of 1991 would see the end of communism in Europe. The relatively sudden collapse of the USSR has compelled thinkers and analysts to seek answers as to why the world’s second superpower could collapse so quickly…
In its pure form, communism is a belief that private property should be replaced by community ownership. In the Soviet Union this idea was not easily accepted by the people. Russian leaders Vladmir Lenin and Joseph Stalin were ruthless in their elimination of those who had different ideas about Russia’s future. It is estimated that in the 1930s, Stalin was responsible for killing more than 10,000,000 Soviet people who he believe were in his way.…
Despite the poor working conditions and the inequality that industrialization under capitalism creates (“The Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth”, 529) it is still a necessary step for Russia because it lays the groundwork for a successful socialist and eventually communist system of government that will allow all members of Russia to flourish. “[The Communist] openly declare that their ends can be attained only by the forcible overthrow of all existing social conditions;”(Carl Marks and Friedrich Engel, The Communist Manifesto) Therefore it is important to note that capitalism is an impractical form of government that should not be implemented for any long term scenario it is merely a stepping stone that is unfortunate but essential to the development of a successful government. Then why must Russia endure capitalism? Why not skip straight to communism? It is for this reason, A does not equal C meaning that each step in the process is essential to getting the end result.…
After WWII The Soviet Union and the United States had many different political ideologies particularly communism and capitalism. Capitalism is a belief that private property should be replaced by community ownership. Communism is opposed private ownership economies of the United States and its allies. Based on Document A, a document was first telegraphed to American officials in Washington on February 22, 1946 and it happened after WWII. In Document A the United States made the idea of containment. Containment is the idea of the Soviet Union and Soviet communism should not be allowed to spread.…
The Soviet Union set out on a mission to cripple other nations, specifically the US, so that they would adopt communism as their new governments. They recruited top psychologists and other intellectuals to Moscow and manipulated them into using Psychopolitics. The intellectuals then went back into their countries spreading the ideals of sovietism, that there was only one sane personality and one sane state--anything else is a deviation and unacceptable. Most of these intellectuals went back to their…
The Cold War is used to describe the conflictive relationship between the US and the Soviet Union after World War II, which the two powers fought through proxy wars, yet they themselves never fought against each other directly and physically.…
References: Archer Productions, Inc. (2001, March 10). Duck and Cover (1951) [Video file]. Retrieved from website:…
This economic system had numerous features, both good and bad. Following the end of czarist rule, Vladimir Lenin, and later Joseph Stalin, came into power as leader of the Bolsheviks, or the Communists, those who deeply desired communist ideas for a government. Vladimir Lenin and his Communist Party established the Soviet Union, which by Joseph Stalin, was made into a communist and totalitarian state, which is ruled by one dictator. A factor of communism in Russia set by Stalin was the Great Purge. During this enforcement, those who resisted the government, going against their ideals, were executed or exiled from society. If any were even accused of opposition towards the government, they would be brutalized, murdered or removed from their country. This action sparked great fear in the people of the Soviet Union, as they were forced to be harshly subordinate to Stalin.…
Soviet law was rooted in pre-revolutionary Russian law and Marxism/Leninism. Pre-revolutionary influences included Byzantine law, Mongol law, Russian Orthodox Canon law, and Western law. Western law was mostly absent until the judicial reform of Alexander II in 1864, five decades before the revolution. Despite this, the supremacy of law and equality before the law were not well-known concepts, the tsar was still not bound by the law, and the "police had unlimited authority."…