
The Spanish Conquest on the Aztecs

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The Spanish Conquest on the Aztecs

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Why the Spanish could conquer the Aztecs ?
It was in 1519 when a band of Spanish conquistadors , led by Hernan
Cortes arrived at the Yucatan Peninsula . Together with a small army of
600 men , Cortes sought out to conquer the Aztec empire for their country .
The Aztec empire was considered as the most advanced civilization in
North America . They were in control of large cities and had complex social , religious , economic and political structure . Their empire controlled the area from the Valley of Mexico to the Gulf of Mexico and south of present day Guatemala . Tenochtitlan , the Aztec capital was located in present-day Mexico City . During Cortes ' conquest , the Aztecs were ruled by Montezuma II . The Aztecs themselves had conquered many neighboring tribes , suing the captives for their human sacrifices in their religious ceremonies and rituals in offering to their gods .
Although they have conquered many tribes , they did not necessarily rule them .
But how could a powerful empire be conquered and destroyed by a small army which was that of Cortes ? If the Aztec empire had established a complex religious and political structure , why were they not able to sustain a war against the Spanish conquistadors ?
Even though the Spanish army was small in number , they had better strategies , better resources and weapons when they fought with the
Aztecs . While Aztecs fought with wooden swords and weapons , the Spanish conquistadors fought with metal shields and swords . Although their wooden weapons can bring much damage , they were also easily broken and the Spaniards ' weapons were more durable . The Spanish could move faster because they also had horses which gave them an advantage as Aztec only fought on their foot . The conquistadors also used guns , which were easier to use and load than the stone slings that the Aztecs used .

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