I think Sutter’s relationship with alcohol is very dangerous because Sutter begins to rely on drinking to help him forget his issues. …show more content…
Sutter had not had a normal childhood as his father cheated on his mother, was an alcoholic and his mother worked long hours at the hospital so Sutter was always on his own. He blamed himself for everything; he thought his mother hated him because he “...reminds her of his father”, and he thinks he is exactly like his father. Thought the whole movie Sutter struggles with alcohol because he has such an addiction to it and he believes that it gives him confidence and helps he forget everything so whenever anything goes wrong he drinks.
Eventually Sutter drinks himself to the point where he alienates others around him, cuts everything bad out of his life and is fired from his job because he cannot promise his boss that he will stop drinking at work, “… I cannot promise you that because without it I do not know what to do!”At the end of the movie Sutter‘s drinking gets very out of control and he drives home drunk and crashes, at this point his mother tells him that he is “…nothing like his father but he needs to sort his life out or he will be ”. In the end scene of the movie Sutter …show more content…
is no longer drinking, he has finally come to the point in his life where he knows he needs to grow up and he can no longer mask his pain by drinking. Sutter’s struggle with alcohol is something that many teenagers my age can relate to, as drinking becomes a way for them to forget all their problems and be “confident”, many have a hard childhood, issues they find hard to accept or even people who have hurt them to cause them to drink. Drinking has a very bad influence on people because after they have had a lot drinks their problems seem to “disappear” so they begin to drink more and more especially in New Zealand. New Zealander teenagers have one of the worst drinking cultures in the world because many drink themselves to the point where they hospitalised or in extreme cases death. Alcohol is one of the most abused drugs in New Zealand and many people battle with alcohol addiction during their lifetime and are not as lucky as Sutter to have someone to “…Snap them out of it”.
I think Sutter Keely’s (Miles Teller) philosophy of “living in the now” is very similar to how many teenagers live their lives today.
Sutter parties and drinks a lot without thinking about the consequences of his actions; he does not have a plan for the future, he never does any school work and he has an extremely relaxed attitude towards life. Sutter was very good at manipulating and charming his way out of situations that he didn’t want to be involved in an example of this is schoolwork, when he is questioned by his teachers about it he tries to change the subject, “... new hair cut Mr Patrick?” or tells them that he will “…bring it tomorrow!” even though he never does and because of this may people around him gave up on him. His idea behind “living in the now” was that he shouldn’t have to do work because you never know what is going to happen in the future so why bother and waste time now doing it. Many teenagers can relate to this because at this age many of us simply just “…can’t be bothered caring anymore” or do not care about our future. A lot of people begin to make excuses for the things they have done and the choices they have made to make them feel better about it, but what we need to understand is that there comes a time in our life where need to grow up, take responsibility for our actions and make important life choices. As the movie begins to come to an end we discover that Sutter was terrified of the future, scared of growing old and worried how he will fit
into the adult world. But when Sutter’s mother tells him that he “… is nothing like his father” it proves to be a very important moment for Sutter to admit that he has lived in fear his whole life “I’ve always been afraid of failure, of letting people down and hurting people” he writes in his college application so he says he “… I shut out the pain, shut out everything good and bad”. In the end Sutter modifies his philosophy saying, “its fine to live in the now. But the best thing about now is that there’s another one tomorrow, so I am going to start making them count”. I think the future is very terrifying to many in the fact that it is so ‘unknown’, nobody knows what will happen to them. So this fear of the ‘unknown’ begins to take over many people’s lives and the fear of this puts them off trying because of this many teenagers give up trying because it is simply to terrifying. For many teenagers having that moment in life where you realise that life is too short to worry is the point in life where we mature from children into adults this is good because we soon begin to know that our future is about what we achieve today not what we think we need to achieve in the future.
I think the line in the movie “… I like to think there is more to a person than just one thing” is one of the most memorable things Amy says in this movie. One day when she and Sutter were eating lunch he asks her “what is your thing?” Amy is very confused by his question and looks at him blankly Sutter is quick to reply, “you know everybody has a thing, Larry Rock- stoner, Greg jacobe-the rich kid… umm so what’s your thing?” she replies “ I don’t know, I like to think there is more to a person than just one thing, you know” . After this comment she walks away and you see Sutter begin to think about it more. Everybody can relate to this line because it happens all the time in life. Everyone always labels each other whether or not you were the ‘cool kid’ in primary, ‘the nerd’ in high school or ‘the Grinch’ of the workplace everybody always gives each other labels. Labelling in my eyes is a form of bulling because if people get labelled or are thought of by only one thing that is not true or they do not like they can become very upset, as others my taunt and ridicule them about it. When may look back on their schooling years, especially high school, one of the most important things to many was to be known for being popular, but actually when you move on and join the work force nobody cares if you were popular or not because you move on a grow up from high school.
Watching this movie really made me think about life and how different people value things in life. It made me think about the effects alcohol has on many and how we need to be more careful as a society with drinking, it also made me thing about how many people are labelled and may not like it. This movie is very inspiring, really makes you think about your own life and is very realistic to many people’s high school experience.