
The Star Spangled Banner

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All lives matter. No matter the color of skin, each life matters. In spite of many people believing this, race does not decide whether or not you get shot by a police officer. Colin Kaepernick is a national league football star who has taken protesting too far. Black lives matter is a great topic to protest against; nevertheless kneeling during the National Anthem is not okay. “The Star Spangled Banner” has been played at every sporting event since the first minor league football game. Choosing to sit now is plain and simple disrespect to America. Colin Kaepernick is showing disrespect towards our United States veterans, furthermore, is an inadequate role model for the thousands of children watching him: he is acting unpatriotic toward America.
Colin Kaepernick lacks to acknowledge that thousands of colored people have served in our military and police forces. He wants to protest because black people are not being treated equal, nonetheless he fails to realize he is disrespecting all
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Kaepernick needs to think about how many people were following his team: subsequently subtract all the fans they lost due to his actions. Thousands of people, such as our nation’s veterans, refuse to watch the 49rs because of him. Many parents will not let their children watch them due to the unpatriotic acts Colin Kaepernick has shown. The NFL hired him to be a football star, even so with that responsibility he has to show patriotism to our nation.
A person cannot be a teacher if they do not like children, just as he cannot be a role model if he does not set good examples. Children as young as kindergarten are taught that it is appropriate to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem. He is teaching them that it is okay to not listen and kneel whenever they want. If he wants to be a professional football player in America, he needs to show America some

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