Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. I involve me and I learn”. It shows the importance of learning and education. Knowledge is the only thing in the world that can be forever kept and so we understand the importance of the learning. To achieve learning and/or a desired goal, you must be ready to practice, be motivated, and have proper exposure to every detail of the course content. There is not any existence of life without the process of learning. Readers shall acquire skill through the principles of learning and their use in the school, in this essay.
In order to fully comprehend the information learned, practicing and reviewing is crucial. By practicing and reviewing course content, the success of understanding the information will be within arm’s reach. Being able to understand the information will be useful when writing tests or quizzes by allowing memorization of the content. Repeating words or sentences from lessons or homework, is one way to move information from short term to long term memory. As well redoing math problems or homework, which is a great way to better recognize how something is done, or should be done after getting the wrong answer. In addition reviewing notes or homework with a buddy can improve the knowledge of the subject, by having a buddy show the correct answer to the questions or notes that were wrong. Finally the last way of being able to fully understand what has been taught is by reducing the amount of notes taken. Decreasing the size of notes taken can help long term memory skills by reviewing less, and giving the most important information needed. Through having the most important information memorized, for tests or quizzes, this will allow for easy recollection of material learned and will give the correct answer. In conclusion by following the practicing and reviewing methods given, it will ensure full comprehension of