Cited: “Biodiesel production: Going Green to Improve Productivity.” Filtration & Separation 45 Issue 6. Elsevier Ltd 2008: 24-25. Calandri, K., and Baxter L. W. “Global Warming and Electrical Demand in Californina.” Energy Policy. 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. 233-244. Carbonetto, B., and Pecchi, P. “Going 'green ' with FCC expander technology.” Hydrocarbon Processing (International Edition) Vol. 90 Issue 1. GE Oil & Gas, Florence, Italy 2011. 79-83. Corum, Lyn. “Reduce & Renew: Going Green in Southern California.” Refocus 5 Issue 4. Elsevier Ltd 2004: 36-38. “Going Green, Literally!” Filtration & Separation 37 Issue 8. Elsevier Ltd 2000. 17 McCaffree, Jim. “Reducing Foodservice Waste: Going Green Can Save Green.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 109, Issue 2, Elsevier Inc. 2009. 205-206. "Oil Can Be Replaced by Clean Energy." The Energy Crisis. Ed. Lisa Krueger. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. At Issue. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. Yusoff, Sumiani. “Renewable Energy from Palm Oil Innovation on Effective Utilization of Waste.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2003. Malaya, Malaysia: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. At Science Direct. 1-7
Cited: “Biodiesel production: Going Green to Improve Productivity.” Filtration & Separation 45 Issue 6. Elsevier Ltd 2008: 24-25. Calandri, K., and Baxter L. W. “Global Warming and Electrical Demand in Californina.” Energy Policy. 1992 Butterworth-Heinemann Ltd. 233-244. Carbonetto, B., and Pecchi, P. “Going 'green ' with FCC expander technology.” Hydrocarbon Processing (International Edition) Vol. 90 Issue 1. GE Oil & Gas, Florence, Italy 2011. 79-83. Corum, Lyn. “Reduce & Renew: Going Green in Southern California.” Refocus 5 Issue 4. Elsevier Ltd 2004: 36-38. “Going Green, Literally!” Filtration & Separation 37 Issue 8. Elsevier Ltd 2000. 17 McCaffree, Jim. “Reducing Foodservice Waste: Going Green Can Save Green.” Journal of the American Dietetic Association 109, Issue 2, Elsevier Inc. 2009. 205-206. "Oil Can Be Replaced by Clean Energy." The Energy Crisis. Ed. Lisa Krueger. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2010. At Issue. Gale Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 31 Mar. 2011. Yusoff, Sumiani. “Renewable Energy from Palm Oil Innovation on Effective Utilization of Waste.” Journal of Cleaner Production, 2003. Malaya, Malaysia: Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. At Science Direct. 1-7