
The Storm By Kate Chopin Literary Analysis

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The Storm By Kate Chopin Literary Analysis
The Storm is a short story written by Kate Chopin around 1898 but was not published until seventy years later, in 1969. This short story contains four characters; a boy named Bibi, his father Bobinot, his mother Calixta and Alcee his mother’s lover. The story begins by placing Bibi and Bobinot trapped by a Louisiana storm and waiting it out at a local store. Calixta was left home alone by her husband and son and was coincidentally visited by Alcee. They find themselves trapped at home by the storm as well. Although Calixta was initially worried about her family she is ultimately mislead by her emotions and has sexual intercourse with Alecee. Once the storm ceases, Alecee goes his way and Calixta’s family returns home. After the storm, Alecee …show more content…
During this time period society believed that a women’s place was at home attending her family, husband and home. Women had to develop the knowledge and skills of a good housewife and any other set of skills would only raise skepticism. As a matter a fact socioeconomic issues, values, and family ties were obstacles that true love needed to fight off in order to triumph. The relationship between Calixta and Alcee was a forbidden union in their current society and resulted in unhappiness, despair and adultery. They were both unfaithful to their respective spouses and were indifferent about their actions. However their guilt lead them to hide their unfaithfulness by becoming sweeter, thoughtful and caring of their spouses. In the progress of doing small deeds they realize they are in love and satisfied with their marriages. Calixta and Alcee were once in love and did not have the opportunity to materialize their love because of social circumstances, and were holding on to an illusion. Their frustrated love is dismantled by the characteristics of true love; patience, kindness, unselfishness and sacrifice. Sex alone cannot be true love and Calixta realizes this through her experiences and

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