“The story of an Hour.” by Kate Chopin represents a negative picture of marriage. The story narrates to a reader of a woman who is happy and overjoyed when she received the news of her husband’s death. Because of her heart conditions great care was to be taken on how to deliver the news. As it is stated at the beginning of the story; so her sister Josephine is the one selected to break the news having Mr. mallard’s friend, Richards near her since he was there at the newspapers office when intelligence of the rail disaster was received, with Brently Mallard’s name leading the list of “killed “As the narrator says in third paragraph that she did not here the story as many women have heard the same, with a paralyzed ability to accept its significance. She wept at once, with sudden, “wild abandonment” in her sister arms. Then she is away to her room alone. The narrator continues on the fourth paragraph to say that, she stood facing the window, a comfortable room armchair in state of shock. At the point one would have expect Mrs. Ballard to be hysterical but rather she sits facing the open window comfortably and it is at this state that she notices the outside world. It was spring; she could see all that in the open squire before her house she notices the tops of the tree that were all aquiver. The delicious smell of the rain was in the air. These marks a turning point as Mrs. Ballard begin to realize something important about her life, and most likely that she is ready to experience life without her husband.
Mrs. Ballard is completely taken by the outside world. As the narrator describe her on the eighth paragraph as “young, with fair, calm face, whose lines bespoken and even certain strength.” The plot of the story is shifting as Mrs. Ballard realizes what is troubling and begins to whisper “free, free, free.” As she imagined on how life can be her own now. Although it is not mentioned of her husband been abusive, it is clear that Mrs. Ballard