The story of Herbert Ernest Bates "The Beauty of the Dead".
The story is a unit of literary fiction. The author uses different expressive means and stylistic devices to show the reader the idea of the story, such as epithets, metaphor, similar, oxymoron, irony, hyperbola, understatement, etc.
The protagonist of this story is Mr. Grimshaw. This is a complex character, reticent, gloomy. His surname is rather significant. The adjective “grim" means harsh, merciless, severe; ghastly, joyless, sinister (has a grim truth in it); unpleasant, unattractive. - expresses here the impression to be made by him on a reader. We can see his mercilessness from the following phrase: he turned with satisfaction to look at his wife, who lay dying on the bed.
From his interaction with the minor character it occurs that though his relative consider him to be another, he is so a man that his name gives our an impression. The most important action of the protagonist is his inner thoughts, his choice in using sudden circumstances, his impulse to go through all the events happened.
The minor characters is his wife. We do not know and the author do not let us know her name and it is significant because her name is of no account as her character is weak-willed, dull and infirm. What why he doesn't care about her inner world and doesn't interpret her as a person.
Stylistic Analysis
The story "The Beauty of the Dead" by Herbert Ernest Bates is casual in its subject-matter, describing a particular place at a particular time.
In analysing this story we must point out its three main features: 1) the effect of striking concreteness and simplicity; 2) the impression of a melancholy meditating tone; 3) the implication suggested by the author as the ultimate stylistic effect.
These three peculiarities are linked and interwoven to produce a joint impression, the EMs and SDs of the story are aimed at achieving the desired effect.
SDs used in describing the picture