marry to continue their family and gain popularity amongst the gods. So her father decided to marry her with Cyrus. He is a god with a good reputation and a exceptional heart. Even with this good heart, it was still obvious to Lenora that he wanted to marry for her beauty and nothing else. This still didn't convince her father to call off the marriage. It was not known if he was oblivious to the reason Cyrus married or if he just didn't care. Though a dark force came wishing to stop this marriage.
It was Boris, a god who was ignored and ridiculed for the evil which he possessed within his soul. He was corrupt, it was just that simple, he fed off evil and violence. He had killed other gods for small reasons and thought it was the right thing to do. Some believed that he had a love and hunger for violence that would never suffice. They were wrong, he didn't love it as he loved the beautiful Lenora. When he heard of the marriage he went into an abominable rage. A rage that could only be stopped if Lenora was his. Like many others he knew that she didn't love him or anyone. This only angered him worse knowing that her father had forced her to not only marry her to someone other than him, but to someone who she didn't love. He went to discuss with Lenora's father Cortez and demanded the marriage be stopped. Cortez told him that Lenora would not love such a disgusting creature as him. He says that if she married him he can be free from the evil. She could purify him of his evil and his …show more content…
wrongdoing. Cortez told the horrendous beast that she will not marry him and that his disease will never be cured. Boris strikes the god like he has done to many others before. Cortez dies leaving Lenora with only sadness to accompany her. She was distraught with the death of her father. She grows a hate for their gods and their desire for her. She is so angry hat she creates the universe itself in the pit to hide away from the gods.
She specifically hides in earth where the gods couldn't find her. She created nature to admire it for the rest of time while the gods look for her. Just like she thought the gods were angry and they tried to look for her. They finally spotted her on earth so they create humans to search for her on earth and to bring her to them. The humans to this day have not found her and have forgotten to do so because of all these centuries. The gods are angry that we have stopped looking and they sends disasters as punishment. They still linger around the outer part of the universe, angry, and saddened due to the loss of Lenora. They are forever tormented by their desire and desperation. This will last as long as Lenora isn't found which will probably be eternity. As for Lenora, she has still not been found and is probably still tormented by the loss of her father. She would also be upset about the destruction of earth and nature that she work so hard to create and that we have worked so hard to destroy. They all live in agony because of the desire the gods gave Lenora that she didn't even want. This story just comes to show, even the gods can't protect themselves from the destruction desire and obsession can