The story begins in 1884 with an Australian gentleman visiting England purchasing a yacht name the “Mignonette” which he would like to deliver it back to his home in Australia. On the road he found a name Dudley who is talented and capable in handling the task that he is been given to. He recruited three other people to help him that is: Stephens, Brooks and a lad named Richard Parker. They begin to set sail From Southampton on 19th may to a south course to round the Cape of Good Hope. They have made a few couple of stops en route for resting and obtaining victuals.
On 3rd July somewhere about 1500 miles off the coast of Africa a big tragedy happened they have encountered strong winds and high seas which overpowered their boat and sank it. The four men had enough time to gather other supplies and jump into a safe boat to survive the storm. That is the beginning of the scariest tragedy because they didn’t gather the most important thing that is water, and there is no more food left on the 19th day. Then the captain