Written and directed by British filmmaker Jeremiah Quinn, this film begins by telling the audience, “This film is a pack of lies.” There are always two sides to every story and unfortunately Stanley’s story features incorrect information. So, this film exposes that information and reveals what really happened to him that tragic day.
It all started when Stanley and his wife were having an intimate conversation about his health. Concerned with how he was feeling, Mrs. Stanley made him a meal and admitted how great it was to see him eat. Although the audience wasn’t informed until later as …show more content…
While conversing with his brother, he tells him how he is going to beat cancer and anything else life throws at him. He was ready to live life to the fullest and to experience all the joys it can provide like watching his child grow up and becoming a grandfather. Stanley was optimistic about life but his optimism also makes this film hard to watch. We know that Stanley will ultimately meet his death but watching him be so hopeful makes you wonder why something like this happened to someone like him. Cancer is a terrible burden and thousands of people die from it annually. But Stanley wanted to beat it; he wanted to live. Yet, somebody else’s foolish mistake ceased him from doing that.
The characters, which were beautifully portrayed, are one of the many reasons this film worked so well. Seeing Stanley’s conversations with his wife and brother made the audience feel like Stanley was their personal friend. The genuine concern his family had for his well-being made the audience worry about Stanley as well. Knowing how much his family cared about him made the audience wish they could comfort the family after his death. These characters also made the audience wonder what they would do if this happened to someone they knew.
The Strange Death of Harry Stanley is an astonishing and tear-jerking film that was longlisted for a BAFTA in the Best Short Film category and won numerous awards. This film will have you questioning