1. How does Camus set up Meursault's personality -- how does Meursault respond to others' conversation, to ordinary social situations, and to the death of his mother?…
Explore the history of the sweetener (when it was developed, its composition). Sucrose, according to our text, is composed of one glucose (the most common sugar molecule) molecule and one fructose (the sweetest natural sugar) molecule. The bond is called glycosidic linkage. Because of this mixture, Sucrose is known to be sweeter than lactose or maltose (the other 2 out of the 3 most common disaccharides, which is a carbohydrate compound consisting of 2 or more molecules joined together). The history of sucrose dates back to thousands and thousands of years ago when the sugar cane was discovered in the South Pacific, rumored specifically to have been found in New Guinea. Its molecular formula is C12H22O11. (taken from Wikipedia)…
Robert Camus is a famous French author who was awarded the Nobel Prize for literature in 1957. Camus has many famous novels including Le Mythe de Sisyphe, La Peste, La Chute, L’Exil et La Royaume, and L’Etrange or The Stranger. The Stranger is a short novel written in 1942 that details the life of a man named Meursault. The novel follows Meursault as he develops and changes according to dramatic events in his life. The novel shows the changes in his characteristics before any events, after he kills a man and is put in jail, and after he is sentenced to death.…
consummated, for me to feel less alone, I had only to wish that there be a large crowd of spectators the day of my execution and that they greet me with cries of hate." (Camus 122-3). He felt as if he was ready to live again just like Maman before she had passed away. Meursault is an absurd hero at the end because he accepted death, passing the Absurd Walls and into the absurd freedom, where one can experience life to the fullest.…
In Albert Camus’s novel The Stranger, Camus shows his inherent absurdist perspective of life through commentary and actions Meursault displays as a result of symbolic use through the heat, sun, and dreams. These symbols dominate Meursaults consciousness controlling him through torment from the inescapable presence the sun and heat governs, causing him to act in ways deemed iniquitous to society. Each symbol opposes its usual description of warmth, comfort, or beauty and instead reflects upon Meursaults awareness of the sensate world to avoid the emotional and social constructs that present him.…
Many people in society can be considered by outsiders by society. These sorts of characters, along with being found in modern day society, are also found in all forms of media such as Scott Pilgrim in Scott Pilgrim Versus the World, Colonel Aureliano Buendia from One Hundred Years of Solitude, and even Doctor Gregory House from acclaimed television series House. These characters provide us with a fascinating viewpoint on how they view society and how they are able to interact with society as a result of this isolation and ostracism from society. Arguably one of the greatest examples of this isolated character challenged by society’s very moral center is the character of Meursault of Albert Camus’ The Stranger. Camus throughout The Stranger…
From these choices society begins to judge the person, creating a mindset of that person with only half the information. All this does is make a close-minded world in where people are forced to think the same way, this was a world Camus despised. To counter society’s ideals Camus wrote about multiple outlooks within realistic characters throughout the book. The main character Camus uses to express his hatred for a robotic society is Meursault. Many label Meursault as absurdist, or someone who believes the world to be irrational, meaningless and that conquest for order just brings pain, and his reasoning can be found within the first few lines of the book, “Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe, I don’t know. I got a telegram from the home: ‘Mother deceased. Funeral tomorrow. Faithfully yours.’ That doesn’t mean anything (Camus 3).” This quote isn’t the only quote throughout the book that would label Meursault as an absurdist, in part two chapter five Meursault goes into an absurdist rant that is both passionate and disconnected, leading us to believe not only the beginning explanation of an absurdist holds true to Meursault but the second part as well. Camus captures the acceptance of this absurdist state through many of Meursault’s acquaintances. One is Celeste, Meursault says of him, “He was asked...if he had noticed that I was ever withdrawn, and all he would admit was that I didn’t speak unless I had…
Albert Camus creates a paradoxical situation in The Stranger that seamlessly meshes pleasure with disquietude. Meursault’s moral development solidifies his “strangerhood” in society, but that realization solidifies his moral development. However, this epiphanic moment, while transformative to one’s view of the novel, only reveals itself after several other moments of disquietude.…
Meursault faced a lot of things like an existentialist. For example, he was ready to accept his consequence after he shot the Arab. He also was ready for death, knowing it is inevitable. Some existential themes include freewill, controlling your own fate, accepting your fate, and taking responsibility for your own actions. These themes are all present in The Stranger. It was the freewill that led him to shooting the Arab, because he was in total control. He chose his fate, accepted the consequences, and took responsibility for what he did. For example, he realized he was going to die, and accepted…
Throughout The Stranger by Albert Camus, the protagonist, Meursault, is worried about being judged. The reader does not realize that Camus sets us up to constantly judge Meursault. Meursault is very analytical and can seem to be insensitive at times. However, Meursault’s actions can be taken many different ways. The ending leaves the reader to give a final judgment on whether Meursault is a menace to society or not. Meursault should not have received the death sentence because he was judged for his behavior leading up to his crime, not the murder itself.…
Differentiated instruction in the classroom can be beneficially for every child’s needs to learn to their best ability. Differentiation means tailoring instruction to meet individual needs. Whether teachers differentiate content, process, products, or the learning environment, the use of ongoing assessment and flexible grouping makes this a successful approach to instruction. No student learns the same and differentiation is helping each student grow and succeed by meeting each individual needs. Whenever a teacher reaches out to an individual or a small group to change his or his teaching to create the best learning experience possible, that teacher is differentiating…
In the story “The Stranger” by Albert Camus, the belief that the themes of loss and retrieval are at the core of Mersault’s mythology, and that they illumine the notion of exile to which he returns so often is widely discussed. I however do not believe that either one of those themes has anything to do with the Mersault and the exile to which he returns to so often, rather I believe that Mersault’s own attitude is the reason for the exile he experiences in the story.…
He is unfairly judged by society because he exhibits no emotions of any kind at his mother's funeral. In a community where the principle belief that emotional displays are the necessary and correct response to traumatic events such as in Meursault's case (his mother's death) means that there is a standard that is applied to all people. But because the protagonist is shown to be a rebel he does not obey the expected behavior of mourning that society wants him to show. Society asks “has [Meursault] uttered a word of regret for his most odious crimes? Not one word, gentlemen. Not once in the course of these proceedings did this man show the least contrition (Camus 126).” Meursault finally understands that he is in a paradoxical situation where he is judged for showing the lack of feelings rather than his murdering of the Arab man. In the courtroom, the jury represents society’s ethics in which Meursault is being judge while the spectators in the courtroom represent society who are there to pass views on him. He eventually is put on the death penalty because of his nonconformist attitude. Another example that shows the protagonist to be a social misfit is that Meursault believes all men are equal in a sense that no one can ever escape death even if they were a Christian or not. He explains that “every man alive was privileged; there [are] only one class of men, the privileged class. All alike would be condemn to die one day; his turn, too, would come like the others (Camus 152).” He even goes on to say that Old Salamano’s dog was worth just as much as Old Salamano's wife in view of the fact that like all humans, dogs will eventually die as well. So the life of a human can’t be more special than that of a dog since both organisms are made equal by death. The protagonist is an absolute rebel because he is passive, detached, and emotionless…
Trusting: p. 33 "I got up. Raymond gave me a very firm handshake and said that men always understand each other.”…
In the novel The Stranger by Albert Camus, the protagonist Meursault is a man who is indifferent to major events in his life which would deserve a "proper" reaction according to society. Also, the decisions he makes in his life are done carelessly and without a second thought about whether what he is doing is good or bad. As a result, Meursault is a stranger to society because of how differently his view on life is based on how he approaches certain aspects of life. Eventually, death is what connects Meursault to the society he was estranged from.…