The Stranger written by Albert Camus, a Nobel Prize winner, tells the tale of a young man named Monsieur Meursault. In the beginning, Monsieur Meursault’s mother, Maman, has died. After getting a telegram containing news of Maman’s death, Monsieur Meursault heads to Marengo where his mother had been taken care of in a home. He is greeted by the director of the home who leads him to the mortuary to see Maman. Meursault attends her vigil that night and attends the funeral procession the next day. He returns home and decides to go to the beach, while he's there he reunites with a woman named Marie who, after a few dates, becomes his girlfriend. Meursault is invited to dinner at his neighbor, Raymond Sintes’ home. Over dinner, Raymond talks about how he physically abused his mistress because he found out she was cheating. His abuse towards his mistress resulted in a fight between her brother and him. A couple days later, Raymond invites Marie and Meursault on a trip to his friend Masson’s beach house near Algiers. Masson, Masson’s wife, Raymond, Marie and Meursault all head to the beach house on Sunday. Later in the evening, Raymond, Masson and Meursault bump into two Arabs on the beach, one who happens to be Raymond’s mistress’s brother. Their meeting ends in a fight and Raymond gets stabbed. After taking care of his stab wounds, …show more content…
The prosecutor is completely victorious. His summation in the trial was strong, intense, and exposed how devoted he was to justice. In a part of his summation, he said, “But here in this court the wholly negative virtue of tolerance must give way to the sterner but loftier virtue of justice. Especially when the emptiness of a man’s heart becomes, as we find it has in this man, an abyss threatening to swallow up society,” (Camus 101). The prosecutor uses powerful language to get into the minds of the jury and make them see the guiltiness inside of