Meursault's detachment during his mother's vigil and the funeral was represented in court and drove the prosecutor's case. At Maman’s funeral, Meursault is asked if his mother was old and he didn’t know the …show more content…
The boys (including Ray’s friend-Masson)walk along the beach-recognizing that approaching them are the two Arabs seen earlier in the novel. They quickly make a play on how to handle the situation and they’re in control until one of the Arabs pulls out a knife, “ ‘Look out he’s got a knife!’ but Raymond's arm had already been cut and his mouth slashed.’ (54) The trio quickly retreats. This consequence is actually carried on from what happens with the mistress and represents that a punishment can be continued or dragged out. Once the consequences’ punishment is realized it’s often that people become reflective and absurdity kicks in. Meursault is quick on his feet, though. It’s very likely as soon as he recognizes the drawbacks or his situation he soon remembers that regardless of the role he has played in this world something would have led him somewhere and after death, none of it matter to him or anyone