bet if we asked an Indian they may believe it is just as bad. This tale of these events touch me deeply. I have Cherokee blood in me and the thought of my ancestors being forced out of their homelands is unimaginable; all just because they are different. I just do not understand how a human being can treat another human being so inhumanely and be able to sleep at night. It is so sad that even after the Indians conformed to all of what was asked of them, they still were betrayed by the Federal Government. The countless broken treaties, no wonder they did not trust the government. I understand why the Indians did not willing move to the “Indian territory” after the Indian Removal Act was put in effect. The mistrust was undeniable. The Indians were very trusting and forgiving people, however, after the harsh treatment from the white man they too became abrasive. Eventually, turning on one another. If you think about what is going on right now in our nation, we are turning on one another. Is there another “ethnic cleansing” on the horizon?
bet if we asked an Indian they may believe it is just as bad. This tale of these events touch me deeply. I have Cherokee blood in me and the thought of my ancestors being forced out of their homelands is unimaginable; all just because they are different. I just do not understand how a human being can treat another human being so inhumanely and be able to sleep at night. It is so sad that even after the Indians conformed to all of what was asked of them, they still were betrayed by the Federal Government. The countless broken treaties, no wonder they did not trust the government. I understand why the Indians did not willing move to the “Indian territory” after the Indian Removal Act was put in effect. The mistrust was undeniable. The Indians were very trusting and forgiving people, however, after the harsh treatment from the white man they too became abrasive. Eventually, turning on one another. If you think about what is going on right now in our nation, we are turning on one another. Is there another “ethnic cleansing” on the horizon?