Table Page
1 Outcomes and Corresponding Studies Investigated Based on LMX 21
2 Summary of Study Instruments 34
3 Profile of Supervisors 36
4 Profile of Subordinate 37
5 Summary of Final Factor Loading for LTX (Leader) 39
6 Summary of Final Factor Loading for LTX (Team) 40
7 Summary of Final Factor Loading for POS 41
8 Summary of Final Factor Loading for OCB 42
9 Summary of Final Factor Loading for Performance 43
10 Summary of Final Factor Loading for Job Satisfaction 44
11 Summary Result of KMO and Barlett’s Sphericity 44
12 Mean, Standard Deviation and Medians for Variables 45
13 Results for Measures of Dependent, Independent Variables 45
Figure Page
1 Research Model for LTX and Work Outcomes with POS as Moderating 25
Defined by Hersey and Blanchard (1998) as the activities influencing the process of an individual or a group in efforts towards goal achievement in a given situation.
Leader-Member Exchange (LMX)
In 1993, Dansereau, Cashman and Graen proposed the Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) model as the new approach to the study of leadership. The theory has later been renamed to Leader Member Exchange (LMX) by Graen, Novak and Sommerkamp, 1982). The theory remains the same where it describes how leaders in groups maintain their position through a series of tacit exchange agreements with their members.
Team-Member Exchange (TMX)
As a way to measure reciprocity between a team member and peers in a work team (Seers, 1989). Measure the member’s perception of his or her willingness to assist other members, to share ideas and feedback and in turn, how readily information, help and recognition are received from other members.
Individuals who are formally responsible for supporting the work effort of others. Primary functions are to lead, organize, plan and control.
References: 1.2 Statement of Problem Team-member exchange assesses the quality of the relationship between a member and the peer group (Seers, 1989) 2.2 Team Member Exchange Team-member exchange examines exchange relationships among work group/team members (Seers, 1989)