Faculty of Letters
The study of meaning in conversation
Professor: Liliana Coposescu
Student: Adina Pantazi
LMA-F-E, 3rd year
Brasov 2013
The study of meaning in conversation
In this paper prepared for the pragmatic course, it is proposed to make an analysis of the Grice’s Cooperative Principle, turn taking mechanism and insertion sequences focused on a transcript from series House MD and to observe how the participants of the conversation react and respond from these points of view.
The purpose of this paper is to provide information about the study of language use, the study of linguistic phenomena from the point of view of their usage properties and processes and the study of meaning in interaction and make an analysis on a dialog from to the popular series House MD, in terms of the turn-taking mechanism, insertion sequences and the co-operative principles defined by Grice (the four maxims, Maxim of quantity, Maxim of quality, Maxim of Relation, Maxim of Manner).
The dialog begins in House's apartment that is having a conversation with Wilson, his best friend about his illness, and he continues to the hospital where they are doctors and do their routine.
Conversations are the ideal form of communication in some respects, since they allow people with different views on a topic to learn from each other. The main aspect of the definition is that the participants, the listener and the speaker, perform the act of conversation, but they also have to respect the Cooperative Principle in order to conduct and an effective use of oral conversation.
So, in this paper we are going to comment around rules of Cooperative Principle and flouting the four maxims, intentionally or not.
The beginning of the dialog provide a conversational implicature namely the flout of the maxim of manner in lines (1)” Come on