Brett and Frances are comparable because they are close to the same age and have both been in serious liaisons. Brett is married and plans to divorce and wed again. Frances was previously engaged to Robert Cohn, before he broke off ties with her. One contrast
is that Brett makes the excuse her and Jake cannot be together because they have their careers, while Frances became infatuated with Cohn to help her career as a writer. Frances is very pushy and easily made jealous. In the book, Cohn keeps a vacation a secret from Frances because he was scared she would become envious and enraged that there will be other women there. Brett is very laid back and not jealous, which shows when Jake brings a prostitute to the bar and Brett does not seem bothered. Frances is more like the women of today because she is jealous and controlling. Many women today do not allow their boyfriend’s or husband’s to go out with their other male friends because they are scared they will get cheated on, similar to how Frances feels.
Throughout the book The Sun Also Rises, Lady Brett Ashley and Frances Clyde show similarities and differences. Even though they are mostly different, there were two similarities I noticed while reading the book, which include age and affairs. Brett and Frances have completely different personalities. Their differences illuminate when Frances becomes angry with Cohn because he did not do something she wanted. Brett does not seem distressed or agitated when her ex-lover, Jake chaperoned a prostitute to the bar.