that the closer he gets to the real country, the more tied to nature he becomes. “In the Basque country the land all looks very rich and green and the houses and villages look well-off and clean. The houses in the villages had red tiled roofs, and then the road turned off and commenced to climb and we were going way up close along a hillside, with a valley below and hills stretched off back toward the sea.”. Diction such as “rich”, “well-off” and “clean” create a pure tone. A hallmark of Hemingway's prose is the crisp, steady attention to detail, a trait undoubtedly drilled into him by the expatriate writers (Gurko). The way Jake describes the landscapes shows his astonished outlook on nature. Hemingway makes Jake describe the landscape descriptively and adds length to help readers appreciate the land as much as Jake does.
that the closer he gets to the real country, the more tied to nature he becomes. “In the Basque country the land all looks very rich and green and the houses and villages look well-off and clean. The houses in the villages had red tiled roofs, and then the road turned off and commenced to climb and we were going way up close along a hillside, with a valley below and hills stretched off back toward the sea.”. Diction such as “rich”, “well-off” and “clean” create a pure tone. A hallmark of Hemingway's prose is the crisp, steady attention to detail, a trait undoubtedly drilled into him by the expatriate writers (Gurko). The way Jake describes the landscapes shows his astonished outlook on nature. Hemingway makes Jake describe the landscape descriptively and adds length to help readers appreciate the land as much as Jake does.