The story opens with a description of the Dublin neighborhoodwhere the boy lives. Strikingly suggestive of a church, the image shows the ineffectuality of the Church as a vital force in the lives ofthe inhabitants of the neighborhood-the faithful within the Church.North Richmond Street is composed of two rows of houses with"brown imperturbable faces" (the pews) leading down to the tall "un-inhabited house" (the empty altar). The boy's own home is set in agarden the natural state of which would be like Paradise, since it contains a "central apple tree"; however, those who should have caredfor it have allowed it to become desolate, and the central tree stands alone amid "a few straggling bushes." At dusk when the boy and hiscompanions play in the street the lamps of the street lift their "feeblelanterns" to the sky of "ever-changing violet" (timid suppliants to thefar-away heavens). Since the boy is the narrator, the inclusion ofthese symbolic images in the description of the setting shows that theboy is sensitive to the lack of spiritual beauty
The story opens with a description of the Dublin neighborhoodwhere the boy lives. Strikingly suggestive of a church, the image shows the ineffectuality of the Church as a vital force in the lives ofthe inhabitants of the neighborhood-the faithful within the Church.North Richmond Street is composed of two rows of houses with"brown imperturbable faces" (the pews) leading down to the tall "un-inhabited house" (the empty altar). The boy's own home is set in agarden the natural state of which would be like Paradise, since it contains a "central apple tree"; however, those who should have caredfor it have allowed it to become desolate, and the central tree stands alone amid "a few straggling bushes." At dusk when the boy and hiscompanions play in the street the lamps of the street lift their "feeblelanterns" to the sky of "ever-changing violet" (timid suppliants to thefar-away heavens). Since the boy is the narrator, the inclusion ofthese symbolic images in the description of the setting shows that theboy is sensitive to the lack of spiritual beauty