For centuries, the subject of synoptic gospels had fascinated Bible scholars and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. This is because the account of the life and work of the greatest Man in history cannot but elicit both religious and scholarly actions and reactions as man tries to find the meaning to his fleeting existence on earth. As Richard Bauckham puts it, this is all “…a matter of seemingly endless interest to believers, half-believers, ex-believers, and would-be believers in the Jesus of Christian Faith” (Bauckham 2006, 2) Some scholars have tried to cast doubts on their authenticity for the mere fact that these are neither exact historical account nor are they biographies of the Protagonist. They argue that all we have in the Gospels are the kerygma of the faith of the early Christian community. Even if the kerygma (preaching or proclamation) allegation is tenable, “…they are also the record of that self-revelation of God in Jesus Christ which the kerygma preaches….the only way I can know God is through the record of the life of Jesus in the gospels” (Barclay 2004, 15).
A total of 5 pastors were interviewed on the subject of synoptic gospel and this work is partly based on their views. Appendix 1 and 2 contain samples of questions and interviewees’ contact information, respectively. The responses have been intriguing. They range from little or no knowledge of the subject matter to its astounding exposition by different interviewees.
“My spiritual handlers told me to start reading the book of John in order to grasp the concise message of the gospel as a new believer. But with the benefit of hind sight, I will suggest that every new convert be introduced to the synoptic gospels in order to gain knowledge of the gospel presented from different angles by different writers” noted one of the respondents. This respondent maintained that the differences in the accounts of the
Bibliography: Barclay, W. (2005): Introduction to the First Three Gospels. Philadelphia, USA: The Westminster Press, 1975; repr., Kampala: Glad Tidings Bible College, 2005. Beare, W.F. (1962): The Earliest Records of Jesus. New York, USA: Abington Press Sanders, E.P