ISSUE: The Syrian refugee crisis
MAIN SUBMITTED BY: The Russian Federation
The General Assembly,
_Acknowledging_ the fact that the civil war in Syria is affecting the neighboring countries,
_Recognizing_ the efforts of Lebanon, Jordan, Turkey, Iraq, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and other countries receiving over 2 million refugees,
_Fully Alarmed by_ the fact that the civil war has been spread to Lebanon and could further be spread,
_Fully Aware_ by the fact that many countries and organizations have spent millions to help refugees,
_Deploring_ the elimination of all chemical weapons within the Syrian Civil War,
_Aware_ of the tenuous human rights situation and poor humanitarian climate in Syria, particularly pertaining refugees and internally displaced persons,
_Conscious_ of the extensive and systemic disintegration of organized infrastructure catalyzed by omnipresent aggression, which has resulted in the current Syrian refugee crisis,
_Commending_ all attempts made by NGOs or relevant governments to alleviate poor hygiene and humanitarian standards,
_Noting_ the importance and eliminating counter intuitive xenophobic sentiments maintained by communities disinclined towards the foreign influx of refugees,
_Emphasizing_ the imperative need to enforce the extirpation of all chemical and biological weapons,
Strongly recommends that G20 member states and willing MEDCs provide effective funding towards facilitating UN sanctioned official stabilization missions to Syria by means such as but not limited to;
Provisioning NGO's (non governmental organizations) with adequate financial support so as to permit the extension of operations to alleviate conflict related affairs in the Syrian region
Supplying logistical support and intelligence so as to accelerate employment in remote or potentially jeopardizing environments;
Recommends aiding countries to formulate its own priorities, taking into account the specificities of each country's