The Teacher Who Couldn’t Read
By John Corcoran
Carole O. Carlson
Main Topic of this book: The main topic of the novel is how John Corcoran made through the school system without being able to read.
The main character of the story is John Corcoran. He was born to Jack Agnes Leonard Corcoran on December 5, 1937 as John Waldon Corcoran Jr.. Corcoran was third children and only boy amongst his other five siblings. This character is important to the story because the whole book is about how he was able to become an high school teacher and not be able to read.
Setting: What’s the timeframe?
The setting of the story is unstable resulting in the Corcoran family moving over ten time throughout the novel. The time that the story takes place is between 1945 to present day. The mood of the story is defeated because Corcoran felt that way through most of the novel because after all years he was in school he still was not able to read.
Point of View: The story is in first person because John Corcoran tells the story as he experienced it. The use of I, me, we and other first-person pronouns to relate the thoughts, experiences, and observations of Corcoran makes it evident that the story is written in first person.
1. The purpose of the story is: (Paragraph 1)
The purpose of this story is to explain to the reader how he made to the age of 48 without being able to read. The writing style can be described as expository. The writing style is expository because the author is describing while also informing personal accounts of his life. Corcoran chose this writing style because he wanted to make his readers aware of the pain he went through when he was not able to read his daughter a bed time story.
4. The contributing sources of information were: John Corcoran presented the information be relying greatly upon personal accounts during his life. The whole novel is contributed to him