Essay #1 Final Draft
Taking into consideration the feedback you have received from your instructor and/or in the class workshop, rewrite your rough draft. You may want to review our lecture readings and class discussions on essay and paragraph structures, thesis statements, and quoting.
Remember that a final draft should be edited, proofread and thorough. You should remove all old instructor comments and be sure to submit a clean, polished final draft!
Formatting Guidelines: Insert your responses into this file after the directions and use 12 pt font, Times New Roman style, double-spaced. Your essay should include an introduction paragraph with a strong thesis statement, at least three persuasive body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. Each body paragraph should have a clear topic sentence, evidence, explanation and a concluding sentence. In addition, be sure to use strong textual evidence, such as short quotes or specific details from the story, to support your argument.
What do you usually do when you find yourself hating something or someone so much? Would you ignore your hatred and let it gradually slip away? In the story ''The Tell-Tale Heart'', the main character decides to take away the life of an old man, despite his love for him, all because of the old man's pale blue eye, which makes the main character's blood run cold. In describing the horrific murder, the author Edgar Allen Poe makes good use of point of view, vivid descriptions of sights and sounds to create a mysterious mood that gives you chills.
Firstly, the use of first person point of view helps build suspense. One cannot determine how reliable the narrator of the story is, which somehow gives a feeling of mystery. Also, The narrator, who is actually the murderer in the story, is always defensive when it comes to the discussion of whether he is mad: in paragraph one, the narrator asks the question, ' Why will you say that I am mad?' . However, he says that he