Obviously the theme of betrayal was used a lot during the novel. In one section of the novel Katniss ended up betraying Peeta by going to the fest to get a backpack to help out with healing his leg, but he disagreed with that idea, so the only other way to was to knock Peeta unconscious. So Katniss went out to the out to gather sleep syrup to help heal the wound. She couldn’t just give him the sleep syrup as he would know the taste. So she had to mix it with other berries and also added some mint leaves to measure out the taste. “…but they taste familiar. Sugar berries?” page 336. He then realised after he got to the last spoon full…. ‘Syrup’. His eyes lightened up with fire but Katniss had to force him to …show more content…
Katniss see's that she is anxious with fear as she was heading towards the stage. Katniss couldn’t handle to see her little girl be slaughtered instantly she knew her chances of survival would be low. “I volunteer!” I gasp. “I volunteer as tribute!” pg. 26 this quote shows that Katniss cares and loves Prim. For Katniss to volunteer to take over Prim's part in the hunger games obviously is an act of love to risk your own life for someone else’s label. Not many people volunteer for someone else in those days as it is a life risking game. Katniss did promise Prim that she would try and win the games, and she fought to the end and proved her little sister right. There for love plays a major part in The Hunger