The pigs on the Animal Farm take most of the food produced for themselves. They always ensure they have enough to live comfortably with, although “the other animals work their paws and hoofs to the bone as they till the fields and rebuild the windmill, all the while barely getting enough to eat” (Cummings 3). There is not a lot of food for the animals after the pigs, who do not …show more content…
In their new life on the farm, the animals work long days throughout the week, and although “this work was strictly voluntary... any animal who absented himself from it would have his rations reduced by half” (Orwell 73). The rations that the animals receive are already small, as the pigs take most of the food. The pigs think this is fair, still, because “apparently, power means that you get to redefine language so that ‘strictly voluntary’ means ‘in order to eat’” (“Animal Farm Power” 1). The animals essentially have no choice in whether they want to work or not. If the animals make their own decisions, they are punished for doing