
The Theme Of The Disparity Between Appearance And Reality In Macbeth

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The Theme Of The Disparity Between Appearance And Reality In Macbeth
A central theme that arises throughout the play is “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” said by the three witches since the start. At the most fundamental degree, it means that not all is as it seems: that which appears “fair” and virtuous is actually “foul” and wicked. Naturally, what the line indicates is the play's unease with the disparity between appearance and reality: as in to distinguish between the impression given by someone and how they truly are. For example, this motif is used by Macbeth. At first, King Duncan trusts Macbeth to be a trustworthy kinsman to his throne; however, Macbeth inevitably betrays Duncan’s confidence and slays him to acquire the throne. Since this is an obvious central idea for the medium of theater, it utilizes actors creating the illusion of being a certain way contrary to who they genuinely are. …show more content…
In Act I, Scene III, he questions Macbeth for appearing to be frightened by the luxurious prediction. Nevertheless, Banquo is happy for Macbeth, and he wishes for his own prophecy. Soon after, they portray Banquo to possess a bounteous jubilant forthcoming than Macbeth. Despite Macbeth seemingly having a superior destiny, Banquo’s feelings of jealousy and envy soon dissipate after. Towards the end, both are captivated as well as perplexed by what they had seen and heard. Shortly thereafter, Banquo begins to an inquiry on whether or not they had hallucinated this bizarre, astonishing event or if it had all been a dream of some sort caused by the root of a

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