
The Things I Carry

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The Things I Carry
“The Things I Carry” Tim O’Brien states in his book, “They shared the weight of memory. They took up what others could no longer bear. Often, they carried each other, the wounded or weak.” When we think or discuss the weight we carry we oftentimes think of physical objects. However, sometimes the heaviest and most burdening objects are our memories. The Things I Carry by Tim O’brien discusses the weight the soldiers who fought in Vietnam and the emotional damage they all faced. Just like these soldiers in the book we all carry something emotional or physical. We all carry certain things memories, emotions, and physical items these objects have an impact on our daily life. One of the most important physical objects I carry is my planner. My planner carries my information, quotes, journal entries, and much more. I get different planners as they fill up my current one and favorite I got from Amazon I bought it because it had everything I would need. This object contains memories and pictures so I can look back it gives …show more content…
My worst fear is waking up and realizing that my life is meaningless that I’m not doing anything worthwhile. I carry this for many reason ranging from not knowing how to not carry fear, but also to remind me to keep working. Fear at times can be both a positive and negative emotion. I don’t like to show fear, but it becomes necessary at points in time. I believe fear is what makes us human. We all grown up being told we can do and be whatever we want, but often times we criticize each other based on our choices even if when we were younger we were supported for our choices. Fear becomes part of us when we become aware of all the negative possibilities. I can’t quit carrying fear and neither can anyone else because fear is a part of all of us it makes us who we are. Our fears will change, but we will all face fears at all points of time in our

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