
The Things I Have Seen U/Darth

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The Things I Have Seen U/Darth
[HR] The things I have seen u/Darth_Wholesome First time posting a story.This is my attempt at a lovecraftian horror short story. I hope it's not complete garbage and you enjoy. Also feedback is greatly appreciated.

In my time in the field of archaeology I’ve come across my share of wondrous and unexplainable discoveries. Ancient ruins built by long lost civilisations were nothing that frightened me even if they were filled with horrible mummies that had been rotting in their tombs for aeons. For me this was the epitome of excitement, hunting down the last remnants of people that had their legacy buried by the sands of time. This was the case until I met Professor James Kibler, a respected Archaeologist that claimed to have found traces of ruins beneath the new England city of Arkham. Myself, having searched
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Professor Kibler and I gathered ourselves in the city of Arkham in a hotel that on the interior looked more like barracks than a destination for tourist. This city had a kind of oppressive feel to it, that probably stemmed from its grey and menacing Victorian buildings and constant cloudy weather. Here we hired a company of local workers to help us with the physical labours of the expedition. Even though they seemed hesitant and murmured something about witches living in the bog, they agreed to help in our endeavour we Professor Kibler flashed them a bundle of dollar bills. We made our way into the Swamp to where Professor Kibler had found the traces of his ruins. The deeper we ventured into the bog the more tedious it became to move forward. It seemed like nature itself did not want us to go any further but we ignored these subtle warnings seen as we were in high spirits to find whatever was hidden in this swamp. After two hours of travel we came upon a clearing with a sickly green lake placed in the middle of it. The Lake looked like a festering wound with various outgrowths reach out of the watery

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