The Things They Carried
Tim O’Brien’s Vietnam novel The Things They Carried was written in many respects to reflect real events and while we soon come to the realization that the actual event is in the end irrelevant, these events still provide a vital backdrop for the reader to initially absorb then realize that they don’t actually matter. The Things They Carried is not a text book nor in any respects is it an accurate historical account, it is a collection of memories, feelings and actions and with O’Brien staying clear of stereotypical themes such as heroism and bravery we are presented with a more compelling, realistic and appropriate view of an ambiguous war fought by young and unsure men. With realism being the truth and truth being a feeling Tim O’Brien successfully conveys every theme major or minor leaving us simply with one overwhelming feeling of uncertainty. As he constantly backtracks, re-writes and retells stories the facts become more and more distorted but the truth and relevance of all the stories are stronger with every page you read. While it is important to know that the soldiers were fighting a war with unthinkable consequences the fact will always remain that whether someone died in 1968 in Vietnam or 1980 in New York the feelings will always be the same and in the end with time distorted facts the only truth is the felling you have.
Tim O 'Brien describes a group of soldiers marching through Vietnam. He does this by describing the items that each of them carries with him during the march. The things that the soldiers carry with them are both tangible and intangible items and what these things are depends upon the individual soldier. They carry the basic "necessities" for survival, if one can consider such things as M&M 's a necessity, and the bare minimum to make life as livable as possible. But they also carry memories, and fears, and it is intangible items like these that are the prime focus of the story. The weight of these abstract items is as real as
References: O’Brien, Tim (1990) the Things They Carried
Post-traumatic treatment failure. Harvard Mental Health Letter. 13.9 (1997)