McKayla Vaughn
Passage: “Whenever he looked at the photographs, he thought of new things he should’ve done.” P.2
Small Meaning: In this quote, Lieutenant Cross is deeply in love with Martha. He carries a picture of her in his pocket. The one date him and Martha went on, he thinks he blew it. So every time he glances at Martha’s picture, he thinks of something more he should have done.
Big Meaning: Everybody regrets. This book is not just a war book, but a book about men’s feelings while they were away at war. The quote makes the reader realize every man that was drafted, left something extremely dear and personal back home. Everyday these men would realize that. It’s about having the courage to let go and move forward.
Passage: “They moved like mules. By daylight they took sniper fire, at night they were mortared but it was not a battle, it was just the endless march, village to village, without purpose, nothing won or lost. They marched for the sake of the march.” P.14
Small Meaning: This quote talks about how long and far the soldiers would move. They became numb to marching and walking because it was so common to them.
Big Meaning: This passage explains to the reader how the Vietnam War was a different kind of war. This passage shows that this war was more focused on “search and destroy” method. It wasn’t just a “set up camp and wait” type of war. This passage tells that these men walked long and hard. It wasn’t just about killing, it was about going the distance to get the job done and done right.
Passage: “They did not submit to the obvious alternative, which was to close the eyes and fall.” P.21
Small Meaning: Here, O’Brien talks about the human aspects of what the men carried as weight and/or burdens on their shoulders. He talks about how the men never gave up. They always fought.
Big Meaning: The reader understands here that men in war know their options. They understand all the alternatives they have instead of having to fight.