Directions: Choose one of the following essay questions to respond to and develop a critically thoughtful, analytical essay.
1. Tone is an important aspect of writing in war literature. Examine the stories again and analyze the most prevalent tones O’Brien uses throughout the book. How does the use of these tones help to establish the meaning behind these stories and an overarching theme to this collection?
2. Consider the role of the narrator throughout The Things They Carried. Closely examine the use of the first person and third person narrators. Analyze why O’Brien vacillates between the two types of narratives and how the different narrative styles enhance the stories.
3. The Things They Carried is just about the Vietnam War as it is about the art of story telling. What message does this book send about what war does to the human heart?
4. Discuss the role of women in The Things They Carried. Use specific examples from the vignettes to discuss women’s role in the novel. Compare and contrast the difference between the role of women in The Things They Carried and the role of women in the military today.
All essays must present and support a strong, thoughtful thesis on the issues inherent in each particular topic. As always, you are expected to use the book to support your argument (meaning direct references and direct quotes). Just a reminder, you must strictly write in the third person.
Paper length: 2-4 pages.
All submissions must be in MLA format: typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point font, stapled, pages numbered, one inch margins, and have a creative title. Deviation from the standards will result in grade deductions.
You will be allowed to bring in your pre-selected quotes to help you write your essay. For every claim you make in your analysis you will need at least one quote supporting that claim.
Grading guidelines:
Formatting, Grammar, & Mechanics – 30%
Content – 70% To be taken in class on Tuesday November 15th in the Computer Lab (room 131).