Stories! They are amazing to listen to as you feel connected to a writer or connected to the speaker. Stories tell two sides of things on each perspective on how both sides feel. Like In The Things They Carry and Sorrows of War we are able to know how both sides felt and what they went through while they were at war. Being able to know how both sides feels great, because we get a better understand, as well as a clearer picture. We are now able to know How they both didn't want to go to war, the experiences they had at war and how the war affected their country after. First, we now know how both Tim O’Brien and Bao Ninh felt while at war. In the Sorrows of war by Bao Ninh he says “I used to ask myself why i'm down here while …show more content…
War obviously wasn't great it was something that was always going to be hard to forget if you went threw it. There are certain things that are maybe a little more easier to deal with and some a little more difficult. Like in the Sorrows of War Bao Ninh didn't really have much family, as most his family was gone, and his brother was in the forces as well, but didn't know were and his mom was sick he only had his step dad. As Bao Ninh said.” after joining the army kein had written to his step father but had no reply. After war, ten years later after his visit that afternoon, kien returned again to find him, but when he arrived neighbors told him his step father had died many years earlier”(pg.60). The war was definitely a struggle with family not being able to see them or even talk to them. In The Things They Carried Tim O’Brien says “After his years at the university, the man i killed returned with his new wife to the village of My Khe, where he enlisted as a common rifleman with the 48th Vietcong Battalion.”(pg.123). Not only did they have to go through things such as not being able to talk to their families, but they also had to experience taking another person's