In the original, Jewison used techniques that were new to the industry at the time. He used a split screen technique to enhance the action scenes by allowing for more than one point of view, giving the movie more suspense. However, in the remake, McTiernan chose not to use this technique or even any other that is newer to film making. Mctiernan's makes it easier for the viewer to follow the plot and focus in on what is going on in the movie. In doing this, the remake loses some of the intensity in it's action and suspense …show more content…
Jewison does this to better encapsulate the viewer into Crown's world that is dull and boring. However in the remake, McTiernan mainly keeps the lighting very bright as if it were always a bright sunny day. He chooses to use the bright light to apply somewhat of the same normality shown in the original. But different than the original, he uses this normality to set a tone so that a change in the lighting can be more distinctly seen. This can be seen in the low lighting that is used in the scene when banning is walking down the street in the rain, crying because she thinks Crown has used her and is cheating on her. McTiernan uses the change in lighting to better emphasize to the viewer a characters emotion. In doing this McTiernan is able to provide the viewer with an additional aspect, albeit an esthetic aspect, of the