How Cyber Crime is the Most Dangerous Crime and how it Affects our Society Today
The Threats of Cyber Crime
In today’s society, where everything is done online, around the world governments and businesses are losing billions upon billions of dollars every day. People ranging anywhere from teenagers to adults make cyber-crime the most threatening crime, just googling the term “hacking” can create an instant hacker. In the past, the worst thing that could happen on the Internet was getting a virus and the computer crashing. These days, it’s become much, much worse. The hackers that were once just bored 13year olds holed up in their bedrooms, playing with computers and testing their abilities are now cyber criminals, using their college learned computer skills to steal millions of dollars. What once made everyone fear for their email accounts, MySpace and Facebook pages, have now upgraded to cyber terrorism and it only takes a click of a mouse. Cyber-crime doesn’t only affect businesses; it can also destroy our personal lives.
Cyber-crime is a crime committed online. Sometimes it can be stealing someone’s username and password to an Internet site. One friend might think it’s funny to try and login on another friend’s website and upload incriminating photos or videos of them. It could also be a group of people who find each other through chat rooms, who plan on hacking into the CIA’s database. Two hacker groups that have been in the news lately, Anonymous and LulzSec, have recently hacked into 77 police databases in the United States. Once hacked, they released all the information of anyone who has filed a complaint to the police. This also included anyone who wanted to stay anonymous and credit card information they found on file. The reason these groups committed such cyber-crime was because the FBI has been conducting investigations on the members of these groups. They released a statement with the leaked data
References: Coleman, K. (July 11, 2011) Partnerships Against Cyber Crime Fishman, L FOi: Future & Options Intelligence; (May 19, 2011), Issue 1621, p207-207, 1p. Retrieved from Kaplan University Academic Database The Hobart (May 30, 2011) Internet Crime Caution $63m Cyber Sting, Retrieved from Kaplan University Academic Database Lewis, J. (December, 2002) Assessing the Risks of Cyber-Terrorism, Cyber War and Other Cyber Threats Swaine, J (August 08,2011) Hackers Attack US Police and Publish ‘Snitch’ Files Online, Retrieved from Kaplan University Academic Database United States v. Kramer, 631 F.3d 900; 2011 U.S. App. LEXIS 2367 UPI Top News (August 22, 2011) Brit MP says hackers threatened her kids, Retrieved from EBSCOhost. Wall Street Journal (May 31, 2011) Pentagon: Cyber Attacks Can Count As Act Of War