Liberals and conservatives differed over who should have power for many reasons. A liberal is defined as someone who is open to new opinions and behavior and are willing to discard traditional values. Liberals also are in favor for maximum individual rights and freedoms. On the other hand, conservatives are defined as someone who is averse to change and innovation. A conservative holds traditional values and attitudes. Liberals and conservatives differ about many decisions because their beliefs are complete opposites. In this case, they disagreed about who should have power after the Congress of Vienna. The conservatives supported the ways of a monarch as it was before rule of Napoleon. Conservatives also held firm control of the governments, and were happy with the monarchy of Louis XVIII and were determined to make it last. The conservatives were completely opposed to the ideas of the revolution which included, equality, liberty, and fraternity and the experience of democracy. While the liberals weren't completely thrilled with the ways of the king, they had hopes that he would share more power with the legislature. Also, the liberals had no opposition for the ways of the revolution and welcomed the change. The ideas of the equality, liberty, and fraternity were feared by the conservatives and that these ideas would cause another revolution and bring up more change. On the other hand, the liberals welcomed these ideas because of the change and the fact they could enable …show more content…
I believe that the statement "The French Revolution let the genie out of bottle," means that the revolution opened up new opportunities for the people, and that their concepts they hoped for were "granted." While many of Napoleon's decisions were based off of greed and caused great trouble around Europe, many of his actions as first consul during the revolution were for the better of France. Such as, creating a stable economy and having a uniform taxing system to create equality, setting up lycées, and establishing the Napoleonic Code. These actions brought up new concepts and ideas, that people only hoped for. The three main ideals that the French Revolution brought up were liberty, equality, and fraternity. In some ways, these ideas act as the three wishes that were granted during the revolution. The idea of liberty was a dream come true for people of lower classes. Liberty would enable them not to be judged based off of their social status and wouldn't be faced with prejudice everyday. Equality was an idea people still wish for in today's society. Equality during this time would grant people new opportunities. People of every class were able to attend lycées and were given opportunities at the public office based off of merit not connections. Equality also caused a uniform tax system and laws. The last idea that was granted was fraternity. Although fraternity is a concept that people all over the world still work on today, the French Revolution took a big step for the