Legislature * The national legislature is the ultimate administrative body of India. * The legislature of the States is described as State legislature. * Indian legislature is Bicameral in nature, so called because of the two houses- Lok Sabha (House of the People) and Rajya Sabha (Council of States).
The Constitution of India came into force on January 26, 1950 and India became a Republic. Parliament arose in April 1962, which composed of members elected in the first general elections held during 1951-52. Since then elections are held every 5 years and Lok Sabha are re-formed with new elected members
Rajya Sabha
Council of States came into being in 1919, under the Government of India Act, 1919. The name Rajya Sabha in Hindi was adopted on August 23, 1954. The total number of members in Rajya Sabha is 250. Out of these 238 members will be from different States and Union Territories while the remaining 12 members are nominated by President. Each member is elected for six years.
Rajya Sabha is a permanent body and can not be dissolved fully. One third of the members are replaced by newly elected members every second year. The Rajya Sabha represents the States of India. It is indirectly elected by residents of the State. The citizens elect members to State Legislative Assembly (MLA) and these MLAs then elect members of Rajya Sabha (MP).
Lok Sabha
The House of People was constituted in 1952 after the General Elections as was named Lok Sabha in Hindi on 14 May, 1954.
The representatives of Lok Sabha are chosen by election of the territorial constituencies directly. Presently there are 543 constituencies. The total strength of the House is 552 members, consisting of 530 member representatives of the States, 20 members representing the Union Territories and 2 members are nominated by the President from the Anglo-Indian Community.
Usually Lok Sabha is formed for a period