Early adulthood is the first stage of adulthood that begins when an adolescent reaches maximum height and there are significant lifestyle choices made during this phase. The normal age …show more content…
range for females begins around twenty and twenty two years old for males until age forty for both genders (Collins, 2013). At this age, individuals are focused on establishing independence personally and economically and exploring individual identity. Physical strength during this period is also at its peak. Physical changes are not as apparent in this time; appearance may change due to various reasons such as pregnancy, diet, and exercise. This is the phase where it is important to eat an adequate amount of calcium because bones continuously grow throughout your twenties (Collins, 2013). There is a slight decline in health by the later thirties but this varies individually depending on lifestyle. Jean Piaget believed that it is in the formal operational stage specifically between ages 11 and 15 that humans discover their individual ways of processing information (McLeod, 2012). Intellectually adults do not change in terms of ways of thinking from their adolescence, but they still gain knowledge through life experiences and increase in realistic thinking versus idealism. This phase also is where people enter a new emotional realm in which they begin practical logic on life and improvements on judgment with important affairs. Erik Erikson’s theory on psychosocial development describes this phase in life as the intimacy versus isolation stage. During this stage, people explore relationships with others so they are not socially isolated. Erikson found that “individuals who suffered from poor self-esteem were more likely to be a part of unsuccessful relationships and are likely to undergo emotional isolation, depression, and loneliness” (Cherry, 2005).
Following the early adult stage, the middle age period of adulthood is the stage from forty years old until about sixty years old.
In this phase individuals are reaching goals and satisfaction within a career, assisting their offspring in reaching maturity, noticing a significant decline in physical abilities, reassessing life priorities, and finding a balance between relationships and work. By this time, the majority of adults have reached career aspirations and are now balancing out other life priorities. Health is a concern for many adults in this period because the body begins to slowly breakdown; this breakdown process varies individually. After age fifty-five, the density inside your bones decreases in turn causing a decrease in height; on average a woman loses two inches and men normally lose one inch. A healthy diet is crucial during this period because of the risks brought on by high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and unsaturated fat are preferred to help decrease inflammation and cholesterol (Collins, 2013). Weight normally decreases but this is likely due to the loss of muscle mass. With a decrease in muscle mass, people tend to lose strength and stamina that they once had in their younger years. Hair eventually becomes discolored and wrinkles develop across areas in the skin. Health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension are common among individuals in this stage. A decline in senses is very common …show more content…
especially with hearing and vision. Females endure the lovely stage of menopause during this period in life. Menopause is the transition in which a woman’s body decreases its ability to bear children. This phase causes the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone to decrease and normally lasts for about fifteen to twenty years. Men go through a stage similar called Andropause in which there are psychological and physical changes in relation to their reproductive system. Often time’s men during this stage will suffer from an enlarged prostate causing issues with urination. Intellectually, people continue to increase in crystallized intelligence as they age because they are continually storing information and skills acquired through prior experiences (Shriner and Shriner, 2014). Fluid intelligence however, declines in middle aged adults because it becomes more difficult to process information, reasoning, and memorize materials. Erikson described this period in psychosocial development as the generativity versus stagnation stage in which people start feeling that they need to contribute to the world (Cherry, 2006). Generativity is referring to accomplishing tasks that will change the world to make it a better place. The stagnation he mentions is referring to the feeling of failure brought upon by the unsuccessful contribution to the world.
Late adulthood is the final stage that begins around the age of sixty.
This is the phase when people adjust to retirement, have consistent decline in health, and reflect on life. Physical changes become much more apparent during this time; wrinkles and age spots become more visible, skin starts to lose elasticity and collagen, and teeth begin turning yellow. Older adults especially above the age of fifty are at risk for vitamin D and vitamin B-12 deficiency. It is important for these individuals to eat plenty of foods containing vitamin B-12 and spend a minimum of 20 minutes a day in the sun for a sufficient amount of vitamin D (Collins, 2013). Heart problems are very common in later ages because the arteries begin to harden and blood vessels will shrink. The production of juices throughout the digestive tract decrease, which causes issues with bowel movements. Senses begin to decline in severity the older that people age (McLeod, 2012). The nose and taste buds decrease around age sixty and continue on throughout this period. Sensitivity to pain will begin to decline as well. Exercising at least thirty minutes will help decrease the chances of life threatening issues people begin to develop in this stage such as heart disease. Processing information slows down significantly the older someone gets and will continue to decline if the brain is not exercised regularly. Research has suggested that mental exercise can lessen decline cognitive abilities and lower the probability of
developing Alzheimer disease (Boundless, 2014). Late adulthood is explained in Erikson’s final stage in psychosocial development as integrity versus despair. Erikson explains that reflections on life are made during this period and one can feel satisfied with their life or they may feel regret or despair for how everything turned out (Cherry, 2005).
Every stage in life has an effect on the next. Our bodies change drastically mentally and physically throughout each stage of development in adulthood. It is very crucial to take care of yourself so that when it comes time to reach middle and late adulthood, your body will not suffer as severely. Aging is something that is unavoidable; it is a mandatory process in life that we all must go through. Erik Erikson created stages of psychosocial development that explained that throughout our lives, we endure stages where our minds process a different battle in regards to life choices. The last three stages that Erikson created coincide with the three stages of adulthood appropriately in regards to the aging process and how it affects us mentally. Everyone ages differently depending on how well their genetics and environment interact with each other.