By Alissa Houston
Aug 8, 2010
There is an amazing amount of interesting history associated with the mythology and stories associated with the Greek Gods, Goddesses and especially of the Titans. The movie Clash of the Titans has revised this interest. One such Goddess was that of Athena who was the Goddess of the feminine workings, war, wisdom and the great arts. The Greeks can thank her for showing them how to build chariots which functioned properly and were built to last which in turn made their working lives much easier. The young ladies of the day learned much regarding the arts and life skills they would need for vibrant lives.
The beautiful Goddess of love, Aphrodite …show more content…
He gave the gift of fire to the mortals he held dear. But by doing this he had to steal it from Mount Olympus and Zeus himself. Zeus then persecuted him and bound him in chains to a rock for eternity where every day he would have an eagle swoop down and devour his entire liver. Every night his liver regenerated and then the next day it all started over again this was to be his punishment.
The daughter of Mother Earth Gaia and Sky God Uranus was Rhea. She was once called the Gods Mother. She was married to her own brother Cronus, the first of the original Titans. They had children who where themselves Gods they consisted of Demeter, Hades, Zeus, Poseidon, Hestia and Hera. During the time they called the Golden Age Cronus overthrew his father and he and Rhea were then crowned Queen and the King of the Gods. Rhea was spared from the punishment but Cronus was sent to the pits of the horrifying Tarturus.
The movie Clash of the Titans brought many of these Titans and Gods to life on the big screen so many a generation could hear of their tales and myths surrounding them. Recently a new movie of the same name has come out with even more special effects and story lines involving the Titans and the Greeks. So read a book or watch a movie tonight with your family and let them experience the true wonder of the ancient times and the legends that surround