Table of Contents
Abstract………………………………p. 1
Introduction…………………………..p. 2
Materials and Methods……………..p. 3
Results and Discussion…………….p. 4
Conclusion………………………......p. 6
Recommendation……………………p. 7
References………………………….. p. 8
The objective of this experiment was to find out what will happen to the plant if it was covered with smoke. It was performed by having two plants: one is inside a container; the other is outside the container. The one inside is covered with smoke using a cigarette in a can. The other one is free from smoke. After two weeks the plant didn’t die but look pale and yellowish on its leaves. The cause of the change in color is the disease called chlorosis that affected the production of starch in the plant. The leaf should be green with chlorophyll and pigments on it, in order to produce starch. If it became yellow the respiration of the plant is also affected due to carbon monoxide. People who smoke should start avoid smoking in an area filled with lots of plants. Air pollutants producers like factories should stay away from the forests. They should probably lessen its production to avoid calamity in plants which leads to our calamity as well.
People have studied about the effects of tobacco smoke on plants; they noticed huge effects like the paleness of the plant and the natural negative geotropism of the plant. Since they focused in these parts of the plant, we recently wanted to know what happened to the leaves during their experiment. We also found out that they use farm plants. We like to try it with indoor plants. What could happen as a result?
Since plants are living things, they can breathe like us. The only difference is that they breathe with their stomata (found at the leaves)