High Quality and Low Cost
Readings; g; James Womack, Daniel T. Jones and Daniel Roos, The Machine that Changed the World, 1990, Ch 3 and 4 J T. Black “The Factory with a Future” Ch 2 & 4 Michael McCoby, “Is There a Best Way to Build a Car?” HBR Nov-Dec 1997
Three Major Mfg Systems from 1800 t 2000 f to
Machine tools, specialized machine tools, Taylorism, SPC, CNC, CAD/CAM
1800 Interchangeable Parts at U.S. Armories
1900 Mass Production at Ford
2000 Toyota Production d System
REFERENCES ON THE TOYOTA PRODUCTION SYSTEM; Taiichi Ohno, “The Toyota Production System” Productivity Press 1988 Shigeo Shingo, “A Study of the Toyota Production System” Productivity Press 1989 Yasuhiro Monden, “Toyota Production System”, 1st Ed 1983 Hayes, Wheelwright and Clark, “Dynamic Manufacturing” Free Press 1988 Womack and Jones, “Lean Thinking” Simon and Schuster, 1996 1990
Performance Observations
• early observations of reliability after some reliability, initial start-up problems • IMVP got actual factory level data
– assembly time – di t l b h direct labor hours f assembly for bl – level of automation
Consumer Reports
Gains of imports
Summary of Assembly Plant Characteristics, Volume Producers, 1989 (Average for Plants in Each Region)
Japanese in Japan Performance: P f Producvitity (hours/Veh.) Quality (assembly defects/100 vehicles) Layout: Space (sq.ft./vehicle/yr) S ( ft / hi l / ) Size of Repair Area (as % of assembly space) Inventories(days for 8 sample parts) Work Force: % of Work Force in Teams Job Rotation (0 = none, 4 = frequent) Suggestions/Employee Number of Job Classes Training of New Production Workers (hours) Absenteeism Automation: Welding (% of direct steps) Painting(% of direct steps) Assembly(% of direct steps) 16.8 60 Japanese in North America 21.2 65 American in North America 25.1 82.3 36.2 97 All Europe
5.7 57 4.1 0.2
9.1 91 4.9 1.6
References: 7 Summary of Assembly Plant Characteristics, Volume Producers, 1989 (Average for Plants in Each Region) 76.6 38.2 3.1 Source: IMVP World Assembly Plant Survey, 1989, and J